Green Tomato Chutney
Makes 750 ml
500g green tomatoes
1 large onion (250g)
1 large bramley apple (200g)
50g raisins
1/2 red chilli
200ml malt vinegar
100g soft light brown sugar
1 tsp yellow mustard seeds
1 tsp nigella seeds
1 tsp sea salt
Once you've picked your tomatoes clean and chop them into small pieces roughly 1-2cm cubes. No need to skin or deseed unless you really want to. Then chop your onion to the same sort of size and skin, core and chop the apple to the same.
Now just roughly chop the raisins so they don't end up too large in the final chutney as they will swell up as it cooks. Then lastly finely chop the chilli and add all the chopped ingredients to a large pan.
Pour over the vinegar and add the sugar, mustard seeds, nigella seeds and salt before stirring to combine.
Bring to a simmer then put the lid on and simmer away for 30 mins to combine all those lovely flavours and soften the tomatoes.
After 30 mins remove the lid and continue to simmer, stirring every so often until the chutney has reduced down. This will take about 30-40 mins and you are looking for a consistency that when you drag a spoon across the bottom you can see it and the chutney oozes back to fill the gap rather than flows.
Once done spoon into sterilised jars, seal and keep in a cupboard for at least a month before opening to really let all the flavours deepen.
It will keep if properly sterilised for at least a year in a cupboard but once opened keep in the fridge while you enjoy it.
This green tomato chutney recipe for me is the perfect way to preserve and use those fruits up that just aren't going to ripen on the vine as the season comes to an end.
It goes so well with cheese at christmas, in a good ploughmans lunch, or just as a sauce at a barbeque. It also just gives me a lot of satisfaction knowing I've put effort into growing them and don't end up wasting anything at the end.